Please read my tos! Thank you! That would mean the world to me if you do. <3 you’re awesome if you do. Thank you again 💜
This includes comms, free art, ychs, etc etc..
You may use em to however you want, if you share outside of Toyhouse please still credit me, Please always credit my Toyhouse if there’s art made by me. I do allow to make any sort of print out, or anything like that.

This includes customs that are comms or given free..
You may slightly change/add, or redesign them to your hearts content. All I ask is if you make a full tab labeled “old design” to add my credit for the tab, if large changes are made (this means to transfer credits from the full tab to me).
Toyhouse: Mistiescollectors!
Design cooldown
These are my designs, so they aren’t being volleyballed quickly.
Designs have a one week cooldown. If you don’t wait that cooldown you won’t receive a design or custom for temporary time as first warning.